Monday, November 5, 2007

Papers from the SBL 2007 Annual Meeting

Session 1: Scripture and Righteousness in Romans

Neil Elliott
, Augsburg Fortress Press, "Blasphemed among the Nations": Pursuing an Anti-imperial "Intertextuality" in Romans

Douglas Campbell, Duke University, Tit for Tat: A rhetorical and apocalyptic analysis of Paul's intertextuality in his Justification texts (with special reference to Romans 9:17–10:21)

Supplementary Readings:
Douglas Campbell, The meaning of dikaiosyne theou in Paul—an intertextual suggestion

Douglas Campbell, Rereading the Frame

Douglas Campbell, The Faithfulness of Jesus Christ in Romans and Galatians
Diana M. Swancutt, Yale University, O Dikaios Ek Pistews Zesetai' in Intercultural Translation: 'Living Justly' as Paul's Jewish Paideia to Roman Greeks

Session 2
: Broadening the Conversation--New Approaches to Paul and Scripture

Kathy Ehrensperger, University of Wales-Lampeter, Feminist Perspectives on Paul's Reasoning with Scripture

Jeremy Punt, University of Stellenbosch, Paul and postcolonial hermeneutics: Marginality and/in early biblical interpretation

Mark Given, Missouri State University, Paul and Writing

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