Neil Elliott, Augsburg Fortress Press, "Blasphemed among the Nations": Pursuing an Anti-imperial "Intertextuality" in Romans
Douglas Campbell, Duke University, Tit for Tat: A rhetorical and apocalyptic analysis of Paul's intertextuality in his Justification texts (with special reference to Romans 9:17–10:21)
Supplementary Readings:
Douglas Campbell, The meaning of dikaiosyne theou in Paul—an intertextual suggestionDiana M. Swancutt, Yale University, O Dikaios Ek Pistews Zesetai' in Intercultural Translation: 'Living Justly' as Paul's Jewish Paideia to Roman Greeks
Douglas Campbell, Rereading the Frame
Douglas Campbell, The Faithfulness of Jesus Christ in Romans and Galatians
Session 2: Broadening the Conversation--New Approaches to Paul and Scripture
Kathy Ehrensperger, University of Wales-Lampeter, Feminist Perspectives on Paul's Reasoning with Scripture
Jeremy Punt, University of Stellenbosch, Paul and postcolonial hermeneutics: Marginality and/in early biblical interpretation
Mark Given, Missouri State University, Paul and Writing